Interview: Hangonit Studio

Title image - Interview: Hangonit Studio

In the next episode of Infinite Universes Czech Games and Their Global Success video interviews, we talked with computer game designer and creator Vladimír Kudělka not only about Hangonit, but also about their first successful video game and their plans for the future.



(2011 / Brno)


The studio was founded and is independently run by the artist and computer game developer Vladimír Kudělka. His first video game about dreams and memories Rememoried (2015) was awarded the 2015 Czech Game of the Year Award in The Artistic Contribution to Czech Video Game Creation Category. Besides visual arts, Vladimír Kudělka is also interested in virtual reality and artificial intelligence.

Instagram: vladimirkudelka

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Game image - DICTIONARY  



Genres  – Adventure: the player solves various quests and progresses through the story to a distant goal, with an emphasis on exploring and solving puzzles  – Action: the goal of the game is to eliminate enemies, most often by dynamic virtual fights   – MMOG (Massively-Multiplayer Online Game): a game with a huge player base who […]

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Game image - Interview: Hangonit Studio

Interview: Hangonit Studio


In the next episode of Infinite Universes Czech Games and Their Global Success video interviews, we talked with computer game designer and creator Vladimír Kudělka not only about Hangonit, but also about their first successful video game and their plans for the future.   HANGONIT STUDIO (2011 / Brno)   The studio was founded and […]

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