Interview: Bohemia Interactive

Title image - Interview: Bohemia Interactive

In the fifth episode, we meet the CEO of Bohemia Interactive Studio, Marek Španěl. In 1999 he founded the studio focused on realistic combat simulations together with his brother Ondrej and Slavomir Pavlíček. The original concept of games brought the studio not only worldwide success, but also cooperation with military forces of various countries.



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Game image - Introduction to the Czech Gaming Scene

Introduction to the Czech Gaming Scene


Czech Centres and Radio Prague International have jointly prepared a series of 10 short videos thematizing the current Czech gaming scene. Today we present the first of them – the opening episode, in which the founder of the Czech and Slovak Games Archive, Miroslav Žák, and the director of the Czech Game Developers Association, Pavel […]

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Game image - DICTIONARY  



Genres  – Adventure: the player solves various quests and progresses through the story to a distant goal, with an emphasis on exploring and solving puzzles  – Action: the goal of the game is to eliminate enemies, most often by dynamic virtual fights   – MMOG (Massively-Multiplayer Online Game): a game with a huge player base who […]

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