Infinite Universes in Czech Centre London

Title image - Infinite Universes in Czech Centre London

Friday 19th April saw the opening of the exhibition entitled Infinite Universes – Czech Games and Their Global Success. The Private View, which opened with a presentation by Czech journalist Pavel Dobrovský, was a great success with nearly one hundred visitors compiled from the general public as well as game developers and other professionals in the field. Visitors were able to learn about the history of the Czech gaming industry and play 20 carefully curated games as well as listen to the games‘ soundtracks and discover graphic art, toys and figurines featured in the showcased games.



Czech Centre London

Embassy of the Czech Republic in London
30 Kensington Palace Gardens
London W8 4QY

+44 (0) 207 836 3669

Gallery opening hours:
Tue – Fri, 10 am – 5 pm

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Initiators and organizers
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