Open House Day at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Title image - Open House Day at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Visitors to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Open Day could look forward to the gaming exhibition Infinite Universes – Czech Games and Their Global Success.


Event date: June 15, 2024, Prague


A large number of visitors attended the MFA Open Day, with over 3,000 people visiting the Czernin Palace.


In the garden of the MFA, at the Kaňkův Pavilion, fans (and not just fans) of Czech gaming had the opportunity to learn more about video game development and Czech developers, play a popular Czech game, view concept art, listen to game music at the interactive exhibition project Infinite Universes.


Among the guests of the exhibition were the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic Jan Lipavský and reporter and YouTuber Janek Rubeš from the channel Kluci z Prahy.



Check out this post on Instagram

Learn more about the Open House Day at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs here.


Thank you all for your participation!

Photo: MFA and Czech Centres

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