Infinite Universes opening at the MENT Ljubljana

Title image - Infinite Universes opening at the MENT Ljubljana

Czech centre Wien and SoundCzech present the exhibition “Infinite Universes” opening at the MENT Ljubljana Festival.

21.2.2024 – 18:30

Kino Šiška (1 st floor)

Trg prekomorskih brigad 3, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovinsko


  • Opening Words:
    Ph.D. Jiří Kuděla, Ambassador of Czech Republic in Slovenia
    Márton Náray, Head of SoundCzech


The exhibition is open until 23 February.



MENT Ljubljana Festival and Conference

MENT Ljubljana is one of the leading showcase festivals and music conferences in Central and Eastern Europe and the largest event of its kind in the region. It is an award-winning festival of music discoveries, facilitating, in symbiosis with the conference, the presentation of music performers from all over Europe in front of international music professionals and audiences.

Photo by Czech centre Wien and SoundCzech 


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