This platform game with pixel graphics and a cinematic narrative style was inspired by the classic 90s titles such as the original Prince of Persia and Oddworld: Abe’s Exoddus. The game’s atmosphere is a blend of dark Orwellian dystopia and modern reality – the country is divided by the Wall, and in order for a player to overcome it and reach their family, they have to participate in and win a reality TV show broadcast by the regime.
The art of the game was inspired by the Brutalist period in architecture and the colour code of the game was limited to six colours and their shades. Even though it was a challenge, this resulted in memorable graphics.
The game script is over 13 000 words long.
The Engine Gamemaker was a bit challenging (at the time), as most of the code the developers needed for scripting did not exist yet and there were no shortcuts to what they wanted to implement.
The limits of the colour code.
Game Access in the category Best Gameplay (CZ, 2018)
Japan Media Arts festival Award (Japan, 2018)
Hitcents and PLAYISM
The young independent game studio was formed by the merger of two smaller game studios. The first studio was Twin Petes Brno and its two programmers Petr Škrňok and Petr Melicherík, and the second was Fuchs+Dachs from Prague and its two graphic designers Sanja and Dušan Čežek. Under the team of four working remotely, the debut board game with a strong storyline was created: Ministry of Broadcast (2020).
Portfolio: Ministry of Broadcast (2020)
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